“…the Devil knew NOT what he did, when he made MAN politic…”


…an Angel of GOD’s wrath (ROMANS 13:4) saith unto me: “Behold, natural & manmade disasters on Conservatives until they tar & feather Republican Corporate whores & Ralph Reed

Lloyd the Baptist

Friday, February 3, 2012


Mt Sinai 2007.

Witness to Lloyd the Baptist receiving the message during a trip through the Holy Land.

"REPENT! Or face the wrath of GOD"
Lloyd the Baptist

“…someone once said, Hell is the absence of reason”, Charlie Sheen in “Platoon”


"I thought of it for Passover, on Palm Sunday I want to offer myself up for crucifixion to the Conservative wackos. A Progressive offering for the right wing to finally take out all their hatred of Liberals on me. I want to be the sacrificial lamb so they leave all humanity alone.
No more senseless WARS, shooting young Black Americans, corporate greed, pepper spraying/jailing Occupy supporters, bombing Planned Parenthood stations, fouling the environment or Limbaugh/Fox hate speech. Republican degenerates have done much more damage to the USA than any terrorist.

I know, in the past, I've stated that Democrats/Liberals should be punching Republicans/Conservatives after the Bush/Cheney disaster, but am re-thinking that stance. I had a vision, in Church, as the Priest was blessing the palms with holy water. I felt the holy water spray on my face and then… Well, I’ll be available for thorns, torture and nailing to the cross after my last supper on Holy Thursday afternoon."
Rev. Chris Ward
4-1-12 lol

© 2007 Conscious Man Consultants

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