“…the Devil knew NOT what he did, when he made MAN politic…”


…an Angel of GOD’s wrath (ROMANS 13:4) saith unto me: “Behold, natural & manmade disasters on Conservatives until they tar & feather Republican Corporate whores & Ralph Reed

Lloyd the Baptist

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Southwest's Forests May Never Recover From Megafires

"Abnormal" fire risks are the new normal.

AUTHORS NOTE: (Debby Dooley of Tea Party Patriots received a sign from Lord GOD Almighty and has come over to our side. She's forming the Green Tea Party to lead her people out of the Dark Ages. Of course the evil Koch Bros. have done everything to ruin her noble effort. I think every child of GOD owes it to support this very rare rational Conservative. A minister of GOD's wrath will take a Koch very soon.)