“…the Devil knew NOT what he did, when he made MAN politic…”


…an Angel of GOD’s wrath (ROMANS 13:4) saith unto me: “Behold, natural & manmade disasters on Conservatives until they tar & feather Republican Corporate whores & Ralph Reed

Lloyd the Baptist

Friday, July 31, 2009

The BLUE DOGS poised to sell out the American PEOPLE... just like the Republicans did before!

NOTE: applications for the revolution are being taken by SpoAct (one of the founders of the Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank) on the MSNBC world news message board. Uncle Sam NEEDS YOU!
(oh no update: those pussies at MSNBC shut down their news message boards cause of this) See end of this post

UPDATE 8-4-09:
(36 people... that's all who signed up for ETERNAL VIGILANCE duty. IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA there's ONLY 36 Concerned Citizens with the courage for revolutionary, cutting edge political strategy to SHUT THESE RIGHT-WING Useful Idiots UP. The Republicans are willing to PAY for their insurrection but the Democrats are cheap fucks always asking for volunteers. They just don't see the light...)

7-31-09 article in LA Times. "The Blue Dog Coalition of 52 House members has aimed in it’s own words to bridge the gap between ideological extremes”.

Funny I didn’t see the Blue Dogs do a damn thing for ANYONE who exists on the Left side of the political spectrum during Bush/Cheney. Most of the Democrats (except the Progressives) ROLLED OVER for the Bush Crime Family and Neo-Conservatives like they were puppy blue dogs.

Gutless, pitiful, shameless #*~/’n COWARDS who didn’t listen to a thing the Progressives were saying or warning. Americans can look back to observe the collateral damage CAUSED by Bush/Cheney/Republican Congress and SEE the Progressives were RIGHT! Fiscal conservatism my ASS!

But NOW right at the start of Obama/Biden the Blue Dogs are prepared to ruin the Obama Presidency and trash the Progressive agenda because a few pathetic morons in their districts LISTEN to the Limbaugh$

But NO! I DON’T BELIEVE the Blue Dogs… This isn’t about ideologies. There’s no Democrats, Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives here… This is all about bridging the gap between the Blue Dogs bank accounts and the special interests. These motha#*~/‘s don’t care if the PUBLIC votes them out of office because if they do the bidding of the Corporations then there’s a dream job with a multi-million dollar salary waiting for them. What the #*~/ happened to sworn oaths?

7-28-09 email to the Blue Dog Coalition, American Voices, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Max Baucus, Progressive talk radio hosts and all the pussies in the mainstream News media… (lol) By the way, MOST of my so-called representatives in Congress REJECTED this e-mail. WHY?)

I do believe the Conservative thought processes, strategies and policies HAD IT’S CHANCE. 8 YEARS OF Bush/Cheney and 12 of the last 14 1/2 years of a Republican controlled Congress… AND WHAT WERE THE RESULTS? Reckless economics, job/manufacturing loss, failed / under funded education policy, waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, corruption, sexual deviancy, media consolidation, the Corporate Crime Wave, arms dealing, WAR profiteering and CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATIONS!

So WHY in GOD’s name would ANY DEMOCRAT (Blue Dog or NOT) want to empower these CRIMINALS, these enemies of PROGRESS and looters of our national wealth and resources. WHY would ANY DEMOCRAT want to block the CURES for this plaque that was left for Obama/Biden to deal with? ESPECIALLY after such a huge segment of the population VOTED for the kind of CHANGE Obama/Biden is working so hard to pass… I’d say it was a MANDATE, right? (Democracy… remember?)

Who gives a #*~/ about the dumbass Conservative base, the Birther’s, the Tea Partiers and all those delusional, sparkly-eyed, right-wing Christians (who actually believe JESUS and the war profiteers in the Pentagon are on the same side) After 8 mind-numbing, miserable years of Bush/Cheney… the Conservative base of hardcore pathetic morons represents only 18% of the population NOW!

I think it’s WAY past time to give the PROGRESSIVES a chance to make things right. ("Of,By,For the PEOPLE", REMEMBER?)

It can’t do more HARM or be ANY WORSE THAN WHAT Bush/Cheney dished out!

I swear if the Blue Dog Democrats, Republicans and other’s that have become no better than Ho’s for the special interests… get in the way of the Progressive agenda’s then you’re going to cause a revolution.

Maybe all you Ivory Tower m’#*~/’s haven’t noticed but there’s A HELL OF A LOT OF ANGRY PEOPLE OUT THERE! 40 MILLION Americans struggling below the poverty level, 47 MILLION with no health coverage, and hordes of the unemployed that NOTICED how the Multi-national Corporations moved jobs outside our borders for the greener fields of slave labor and unregulated toxic waste dumping.

I suggest you so-called REPRESENTATIVES of the American PEOPLE read the SPQR blogs this email links to and try to imagine the insurrection by CONCERNED CITIZENS who will hold you responsible and accountable… IT WON’T BE PRETTY I can assure you. Speaking for myself, I’m prepared to do most ANYTHING to save my children’s future from a bunch of vain, incompetent, corrupt, silver spoon politicHo’s."

The Resurrection of revolutionary spirit...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was SO disappointed… I thought for a time there Obama/Biden had the balls to bring single payer health care to table. Where’s the real men of America? If I was Obama I would have whipped out that big black pepperoni in front of everybody and laid it right on the table while making a legitimate case for Universal Health Care. Let all those pasty WASP’s (Republicans, Blue Dogs) see what they’re MISSING! (lol)
*2) I don’t understand WHY the debate on health care is so unraveled. HOW MANY YEARS HAVE DEMOCRATS BEEN TALKING ABOUT SINGLE PAYER CARE? Jeez you silly m#*~/’s in Congress are slow… too much bullshit, RIGHT?

Quote of the day:
Land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE, my skinny Italian-American ASS… WHAT? With a mainstream media of sell-out #*~/‘n cowards and the largest inmate population on the planet?” Charlie Stunats

Has ANYONE noticed the nationwide EFFORT TO RESURRECT the Conservative ideology by separating themselves from Bush/Cheney? As usual the Neo-Cons are USING Christian Broadcasting, Fox Spin… ahhhh, I mean News and Radio Free Conservative as a means to this end. Notice ALL the Conservative talk radio stations such as KFI-am640 in LA or KKOB-am770 in ABQ are 50,000 watt power houses that reach the entire western half of the nation. The genius behind Radio Free Conservative (that Progressive talk radio hasn’t figured out YET) is that they employ LOCAL talk hosts that get the LOCAL right-wing extremists and Conservative wackos all worked up… Make them feel like they’re part of the club.

(Progressive talk radio is national, impersonal, fragmented, rebroadcast in many cases so LOCAL Progressives don’t have a radio VOICE in their own community)

7-28-09 approx. 8:14am PST
NOTE: one can call most any local talk show in America, all you need is a computer and cell phone

CALL I was going to make to Bob Clark Show KKOB-am770 in Albuquerque, NM… but Censor BOB hung up on me. Guest David Boze of CATO. Mr Boze says they’re “involved with eternal vigilance”… HA! except when it comes to Corporations doing whatever the #*~/ they please!

I was wondering why Conservatives have been complaining about Obama/Biden and this so-called European Style socialism but I didn’t hear a peep from all the right wing think tanks about the Bush/Cheney corporate style Socialism. …y’know privatize profits, socialize loses and the DEREGULATION that LED to all the waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, media consolidation, corruption Corporate Crime wave, off shore tax evasion AND economic meltdown were now experiencing.

John S Saloma III in his amazing 1984 document “Ominous Politics, the New Conservative Labyrinth” warned Americans about the conservative think tanks such as CATO. (and wannabes like the local Rio Grande Foundation)

We’re now living through the DISASTROUS results of Conservative economic strategies and reckless conclusions of the past. What makes Conservatives think they can just SEPARATE themselves from the Republican Party/Bush/Cheney failures, YOU PEOPLE VOTED INTO POWER?

WHY would ANYONE trust people that can’t take responsibility for their huge MISTAKES AND MIND-NUMBING FAILURES?"

©2009 by FGE


The cyber think tank Conscious Man Consultants is taking applications for the revolution. There is paid and volunteer positions opening up in the 3nd tier program of our long term strategic planning. Think tank members are looking for law enforcement (Aid & Abet) , ex-military, bikers, pot dealers, gang members, anarchists, boat-rockers among a wide variety of positions that require applicants to possess HEAVOS! (courage) NO VICTIMS (I'm so scared) ALLOWED!

Also the ability to see the BIG PICTURE when it comes to LIFE, LIBERTY, HAPPINESS, EQUAL RIGHTS and JUSTICE and FORCING the Government to get back to it’s original purpose of working for the BEST INTERESTS of the American PEOPLE! (you see me, the PEOPLE… NOT Multi-National Corporations)

Seriously, to get the Progressive agenda from getting bogged down by Republican and Blue Dogs
it will take a courageous nature and heroic spirit that was so prevalent in those that FOUNDED this great nation.

WE NEED PEOPLE who are willing to risk it all to make our representatives in Government responsible and accountable. BAM!

*e-mail with contact info for more.

NOTE: (if Conservatives were in charge when this nation started, the Founding Fathers would have been blocked or RIDICULED and we’d still be living under British rule)

forward this post to your radical friends & family

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I'm wondering HOW MANY of these politicHo's, news pundits, radio talk show hosts or so-called EXPERTS have experienced life as an average American?


Give me a break with the Police (Sgt. Crowley) - Black man (Professor Gates) controversy. Here’s the argument in a nutshell:

7-26-09 approx. 5:45am PST - Call to Reverend Jesse Jackson “Keep Hope Alive” radio show (on audio tape) ...YEA, SCORE!
I’m Italian-American and PROUD to say I respect you Rev. Jackson and the work you/your’s have done to address police brutality and abuse of power issues. It actually scares me to think where the USA would be without people like you and Rev. Al Sharpton out on the road making law enforcement ACCOUNTABLE for their actions… I saw the IMPACT firsthand in Southern California for Tyisha Miller, Irving Landrum Jr., Margaret Lavern Mitchell, Ginenne Stover, Dante Meniefield, Mario Paz, etc…

The way I see it Reverend Jackson, there’s only two sides to this Professor Gates/Sgt Crowley argument…

PRO - If one has NEVER been or know about a VICTIM of police abuse of power then SHUT the #*~ UP… You know NOTHING!

CON - Unless a person has over 200 like-minded people with video cameras behind him… then don’t badmouth or back talk to a cop… especially after sundown (lol) You can’t WIN! They have guns, they have power and might have had a bad day! So be careful…

You want to criticize the police for something… I think we should address the way police instead of protecting and serving, have been turned into revenue generators for local governments. Ticketing, fining, penalizing, seizing from people that are already struggling below the poverty level Black, White, Yellow and Brown(Yea 40 MILLION of them)

I UNDERSTAND… but give me a break with the racism about rich, famous, well-connected Professor Gates... NO minority in America has been harassed by law enforcement MORE THAN ITALIAN-AMERICANS! Ok, want an example? Just look at the NJ scandal in the news recently It’s a crime wave involving White Anglo Saxon Protestant politicians/real restate developers and Jewish Rabbi’s BUT they’re calling it the Soprano State Scandal… (lol)

PLEASE… I’m a middle aged, Italian-American, White man BUT because I had the AUDACITY to DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY from my government and IT’s law enforcement agents… I was subjected to the kind of harassment, abuse of power, fines, penalties, searches, seizures, tow, impounds, fees, court costs ANY OTHER PERSON IN AMERICA STRUGGLING BELOW THE POVERTY LEVEL HAS EXPERIENCED

Minorities might attract MORE attention but it isn’t just a police VS minority thing anymore… PROTECT and SERVE then has become PENALIZE, $ and CONTROL now…

The USA fell to #37 on the World Health Organization’s list of the National healthcare systems… But Limbaugh, Hannity and the Republican Party says we have the world’s best… OK! Explain please? Y’know? WITH fact and statistics

I watched the 5-22-09 Bill Moyers Journal (PBS) on HEALTHCARE. IT was enlightening, inspirational, informative… Moyer’s asked the right questions and his expert guests had all the facts, statistics and eyewitness accounts to back up their conclusions… NOTHING, of course, that an American either here or oversees could find on the network/cable TV so-called NEWS!

(I blame the mainstream news outlets for ALL the problems the USA is facing. If the so-called journalists had been doing their jobs… all the waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, corruption, bias, job loss, control, arms dealing, war profiteering, Constitutional violations of the last few decades WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE!)

Indy Media AND Progressive Talk Radio hosts such as Amy Goodman, Maria Santelli, Thom Hartman, Nicole Sandler, Randi Rhodes, etc… have reported on life experiences on the American scene. Real stories of real people SCAMMED, RUINED & KILLED by OUR PRESENT HEALTHCARE SYSTEM…

They exposed blaring, vile and outrageous flaws. Profiteering and corruption on a scale that cancels out any HEALING that’s being done. And LONG list of middle men that made huge contributions to our legislators so they could make fortunes at the expenses of the sick and disabled… OVERCHARGING on a level that makes the Soprano’s look like honest business men. $350 wheelchairs that companies charge the government $1200 a MONTH for! (#*~/'n WASP's)

(these people remain FREE because Law Enforcement agents in the USA are such pussies they took on the motto of teen age Puerto Rican girls "If you Black, get back, if you're Brown, stick around, if you White, you're all right, can't do no wrong") lol

A system that's been so #*~/ed up by politicHo’s, lawyers and lobbyists that it would take a TOTAL OVERHAUL to fix… but the people who CAN change it don’t want to because the STATUS QUO tells them PROFIT COMES BEFORE HEALTH or CARE.

AND… according to Rush Limbaugh it’s all a scam… The Socialism President Obama is involved in, is all about giving reparations to minorities… WHAT? (I swear I’m going to piss on this fat m”#*~/s grave…)


NOTE: (I’M about to go off on another anti-Media/Conservative talk radio rant. For the sake of space and time, to streamline my rage... I’m going to use the word Limbaugh$ in my writing. This is just a term I use to define Rush Limbaugh and all the clones he sired. Y’know, Hannity, Beck, O’Reilly, Medved, Ingraham, Cunningham, etc… And the big bucks the corporations and Republican operatives pay them. Because their listenership and ad sales just does NOT ADD UP or justify the huge salaries all these hosts bring down. I’m not including Savage because Michael was the ONLY Conservative Talk show host to tell the truth and criticize Bush/Cheney when Conservatives REALLY needed to hear IT! I think Michael Savage contributed to many Republicans voting as Independents or even Democrats...)

You sick, twisted, right-wing mothefuckers can’t possibly believe that the Limbaugh$ KNOW MORE THAN THE EXPERTS? On everything from the environment to foreign policy to the economy Rush Limbaugh AKA el rushbo, with his glorious naked body and half his brain tied behind his back knows more about what the USA needs than scientists and scholars, professionals and professors, the experienced and wise… Rush Limbaugh has an argument for each and every vital issue of our day

I’ve been listening to the
Limbaugh$ for years… and THEN I listen to the local talk shows that are on the same stations with the Limbaugh$… IT gives me a clear picture of how the bullshit is trickling down to the masses. Callers to local shows PARROT the same sentiment expressed by the Limbaugh$ but HAVE NO IDEA WHY. When questioned, these morons have NO ANSWERS beyond what they hear from the Limbaugh$… GO AHEAD… ask a Ditto-head, you know, a question and see what I mean… (lol)

I listen to these
idiots and I can’t believe or understand what I’m hearing. It’s like they’re some kind of alien culture, living in a different world for the last 8 years… Blame Obama, Praise Bush? COME ON!

I not living through another finger pointing, blame session like what the Republicans did to Clinton in the 90’s. Fuck their
Conservative morality and fuck their right-wing low grade thought processes.

See I’m a results oriented person. When I do a job, all the people involved get a chance to prove they know what the fuck they’re talking about or doing. I know pretty much in a few weeks if that person is a capable, talented individual or a bullshit artist that will only fuck things up for everyone

NOW, Americans gave 8 years to
Bush/Cheney and 12 of 14 years to Republicans in Congress, not to mention a right-wing leaning Supreme Court… AND WHAT HAPPENED? Enough Americans believed in the Limbaugh$ to give these Republicans a chance and what did they get for their blind faith and loyalty? FAILED ECONOMY, FAILED WARS, FAILED MANUFACTURING, JOB LOSS, MEDIA CONSOLIDATION, OFF SHORE ACCOUNT TAX EVASION, BANKING SCANDALS, CORPORATE CRIME WAVE, RACIST ATTITUDES, ON & ON & ON

There’s NO other explanation for these dolts I can come up with beyond greed or mental illness. It’s not like there ISN’T overwhelming evidence to counter ANYTHING the Limbaugh$ are saying but the HARD HEADS JUST DON’T POSSESS THE CAPACITY FOR SHAME OR TO SAY THEY WERE WRONG! I do feel the Limbaugh$ have inspired a plague of SEVERE superiority complexes.

Wikipedia definition of SUPERIORITY COMPLEX
The term "superiority complex", in everyday usage, refers to an overly high opinion of oneself; in psychology, it refers to the unrealistic and exaggerated belief that one is better than others. In some people, this develops as a way to compensate for unconscious feelings of low self-esteem or inadequacy. For example, bullies who push other children around act like they are stronger and smarter than others their age. Sometimes, the reality is that they simply have low self-esteem and bully others in order to compensate for their perceived lack of self worth.

The socially awkward teen may convince themselves that the reason they cannot connect with more forward individuals is because they are more intelligent and sophisticated than them. In adults, even business executives may put on a tough facade and try to make others think well of them, but inside they feel inadequate and do not respect themselves.[2] Therefore, those exhibiting the superiority complex may project their feelings of inferiority onto others whom they perceive as 'lessers,' possibly for the same reasons for which they themselves may have been ostracized.

Behaviors related to this mechanism may include an exaggerated opinion of one’s worth and abilities, unrealistically high expectations in goals and achievements for oneself and others, persistent attempts to correct others (regardless of whether or not they are actually correct), vanity, extravagant dressing (intent on drawing attention), excessive need for competition, pride, over-sentimentality and affected exaltation, snobbishness, a tendency to discredit others' opinions and over-forcefulness aimed at dominating those considered as weaker or less important.[3] The conscious awareness of one's delusion typically results in a temporal phenomenen called cognitive dissonance, which may or may not serve the purpose of bringing that person back "down to earth".

WHAT THE #*~/ IS WRONG WITH CONSERVATIVES, REPUBLICANS AND THE BLUEDOGS? And all you people that listen to the likes of those paid for blowharts Limbaugh and Hannity… you’re FOOLS! I wouldn’t care if these propagandists were just entertainment BUT IT’S NOT! These m’#*~/s get incompetent, corrupt people like Bush/Cheney ELECTED!

Lets say you PATHETIC morons DO get rid of Obama/Biden and the DemocratsTHEN WHAT?

…all I can say is IF single payer healthcare among a host of VITAL ISSUES ARE not brought to the table RIGHT NOW, and voted on… then YOU PoliticHo’s need to #*~/’n GO AWAY (or disappear)

©2009 by FGE, Salagogo, Charlie Stunats & B. Mary

NOTE: I can't WAIT for football season this year. It's shaping up to be one hell of a SEASON! Ok, OK... I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction. Imagine a Bills VS Cowboys Superbowl re-match... I pick Buffalo by 6.

OooooHhhhhh by the way, I realize what Michael Vick did was fucked up... BUT he did the time, HE PAID THE PRICE (more than most people, especially in Washington DC) Let the man PLAY FOOTBALL, damn it! (as long as he's NOT in the AFC East) lol


Monday, July 20, 2009

An OPPORTUNITY of a LIFETIME... I'm NOT willing to pass up!


Power concedes NOTHING without DEMANDFrederick Douglas

Here we go AGAIN… Unfortunately, I’m old enough to have lived through this phenomenon once before. What I’m talking about is how everyone is kicking back, enjoying the meltdown of the Republican Party but STILL allowing them to warp and corrupt the CHANGE we all VOTED FOR!

The thing about that REALLY troubles me is I’ve already witnessed this back in the 70’s. There the Republicans were... victims of their own corruption, scandal and paranoia. One foot in the grave and NO ONE AROUND TO FINISH THEM OFF.

Ohhhh noooo… The Progressives of that time were too busy living off their victories, getting high with Cheech & Chong, grooving to the tunes on the FM while THEY MISSED ALL THE SIGNS OF A REPUBLICAN COMEBACK

I’ve been trying to WARN the American people NOW… the way Concerned Citizens such as John S. Saloma III were doing back in the late 70’s early 80’s. (“Ominous Politics, The New Conservative Labyrinth”) while Republicans were laying the groundwork for all the problems the USA is now facing!

I’m not kidding here… Progressives need to GET TOGETHER with Obama/Biden, the Democratic Party, 3rd Party members, disgruntled Right-wingers, etc to PUT AN END to this brand of holier-than-thou Republican Conservatism THAT ALMOST DESTROYED US ALL!

Americans were forced to live through this kind of trickle down BULLSHIT since Reagan and the Bush Family came to power... BUT NO MORE! Progressives the world over have a once in a lifetime chance and GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY here that I, for one, AM NOT WILLING TO LET SLIP AWAY!

I say, PUT the stake of righteousness in the vile, black heart of this Republican/Conservative vampire before it rises from the dead to once again suck the lifeblood from the American PEOPLE.

WHAT! …we going to live off our Obama/Biden, Democratic Party victories and let this evil plaque of the Republican Party rise once again? Allow their evil talk about Birth Certificates, socialism and nationalistic white pride get in the way of EVERYTHING WE WORKED SO HARD FOR... FOR WHAT WE VOTED FOR?

I say NO WAY! IT’S NOW OR NEVER for true enlightened CHANGE

I think the thing that pisses me off most about President Obama is I don’t UNDERSTAND how the President is treating Progressives and ignoring our conclusions. He’s been so busy trying to make nice with the Republican Party LOSERS while turning his back on all the people who worked so hard to get him elected… NOT EVEN A THANK YOU! What the fuck? Why would ANYONE, let alone the President want to give credibility to these Republican madmen?

The USA NEEDS the hard-working, blue collar, grassroots activists and concerned citizens in the trenches DOING ALL THE WORK… Y’know, all the average Americans NEVER given NATIONAL ATTENTION or upper class, organizing connections? Those proud volunteers WHO KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY USE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS for the benefit of the PEOPLE…

Why would ANYONE want to deny these HARDENED, EXPERIENCED INDIVIDUALS who know how to fight Republicans in their own back yard. Using the same tough-guy techniques that appeals to the Conservative base dumb-asses SO THEY LISTEN!

Let the noodles at Indy Media and Progressive Talk Radio preach to the choir… BUT why not at the same time... we fund the boat-rockers to make Conservatives see the error of their ways. WHY NOT ME, m’therfu*/’s? Just because so many Democrats don't have the balls to take on the Republicans... doesn't mean there isn't individuals (such as myself) around that would get a #*~/'n HARD-ON from totally destroying this corrupt, warped, delusional ideological belief system.

YEA, I get my kicks going into enemy territory to take on the Republicans. Or out on the road speaking to students and the PEOPLE on the street. I’ve been on the best University campuses or in bad neighborhoods that cause door locking terror in MOST Americans. I’ve taken on skinheads face to face... and I was in the Mosque of Pomona when Tony Mohamed made a speech about the “White Devils”. HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW who can go to almost any city in America and find the radicals a few hours after rolling into town?

NOTE: Sure it’s great people like Ed Shultz are going out to hear from the public but this has to happen more than a few times a year. This is going to take MORE an effort than it was to get Obama/Biden elected. I BEGGED the people on the Obama campaign in the spring of 2008 to ORGANIZE a movement that would last beyond the election. But everyone was TOO BUSY kissing Obama's @$$ to listen to reason...

I'm the ONE who already knows the best people to go on a lecture tour 300 DAYS A YEAR. Great speech makers with me to work crowds of CONCERNED CITIZENS into a righteous frenzy and then teach them how to form workshops and ORGANIZE in their own community. POWER IN NUMBERS, “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL POLITICS” …BUT WE CAN’T DO IT FOR FREE ANYMORE!

How come the Republicans/Conservatives give props and rewards to the average guys like Joe the Plumber, fund Tea Parties... not to mention all those flunkies they hire to troll the internet or call talk radio or go on speaking engagements or attend Church meetings?

You fuck'n pussie ass bitch COWARDS got to give people like me some power/funding so we can achieve great things together…
Wake the fuck up and listen to street sense. The problem is so few on the Left side of the political spectrum have ever been in a street fight...

George W. Bush - instead of living off the public dole and raking in big bucks making speeches to those aristocratic assholes that benefited from all the waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, corruption, war profiteering

This silver spoon candy ass bastard George W. would be on the road to WORK OFF THE ENORMOUS DEBT he accumulated in his 8 years. We can send Bush Jr. to China where he can do the Monkey Dance for a Billion Chinese. ON the road, 6 times a week, 3 shows a day. (lol)

Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay, Donald Rumsfeld, Rush Limbaugh, most of the Republican Congress since 1982, Rupert Murdoch, his gaggle of highly paid FOX spin HOs/propagandists/pundits and Right-wing Christian preachers would be sitting in crowded holding cells wearing chains waiting to be brought up on R.I.C.O. Act charges…

Sarah Palin, instead of News… be nothing more than a fund raising Ho! A pitiful existence meant to mobilize dumb-ass Conservative base. She’s a joke, the illegitimate love child of Michael Palin, a surreal Monty Python skit about the follies of Western Civilization.

All the Multi-National Corporations that took jobs away from American workers, ravaged, off-shored, expatriated most of the USA's wealth and resources… Instead of REWARDING them with taxpayer funds, Obama/Biden should have SEIZED their assets and used that wealth to bring industry back inside our borders. Every Corporate entity that made it’s fortune on the backs of American workers and infrastructure built by American taxpayers. What the fuck kind of leader would allow a bunch of #*~/'n Con Men to milk the American cow dry and then feed her to the Chinese?

I’d make the numbskulls who vote for these Republican hypocrites see ERROR of their ways… It’s not about raising taxes, it’s ALL ABOUT CORRECTING A SERIOUS misallocation of resources! And making the civil servants SERVE US INSTEAD OF GOING ON VACATION OR ATTENDING PARTIES OR GOING ON CORPORATE FUNDRAISERS. (You hear me Senator Harry Reid? Ya fuck'n pussy)

I hate to tell you America... but it’s going to take a HELL OF A LOT OF PEOPLE to get what we want. Power to the PEOPLE is the ONLY way to counter the MILLIONS of $’s the Special Interests are throwing at our legislators/government officials...


UPDATE: 7-21-09
I can’t... I CAN‘T TAKE IT NO MORE! If no one else steps up and get these fuck'n Right-Wing nut cases out of our politics.. THEN I'll ORGANIZE THE PEOPLE THAT WILL! AND IT WON'T BE PRETTY! This Conservative wacko bullshit has got to stop before this mentally deranged MADNESS gets in the way of America's COMEBACK! i'M NOT JOKING... IT'S TIME TO THIN THE HERD

All day today it was flurry of Republican activity LED by Uncle ToMoron, Michael Steele. NOT anything to save the nation or help in any way… NOTHING to make up for their reckless economics, low grade thought processes or Bush/Cheney… No real plans to fix healthcare in America… NO! It seems the grand long term strategic dimension of the Republican Party has got NOTHING to do with working for the best interests of the American PEOPLE… NOT IN THEIR WORLD!

IT was all about making HEALTHCARE into “Obama’s Waterloo”. Or questioning Obama’s patriotism. What I find hard to believe is these Connservative degenerates (including elected officials) have resurrected and got on board the Obama birth certificate nut trainYou fuck'n stupid motherfuckers are so concerned about fraudulent documents, I didn’t hear a tough guy peep from you Conservative wacko’s about the Bush AWOL papers… NOW that's a story... but the sellouts who run corporate media fired Dan Rather for exposing ONE ugly TRUTH about George W. Bush... I'm wondering what ELSE got covered up with mommy and daddy's money???

These people are so sick and demented they’d be happy to bring back Bush/Cheney or vote for Sarah Palin. fUCK yOU tOO asSHOLES! I PRAY THE WRATH OF GOD SMITS THEE before you people make me crazy...

Americans aren't supposed to be THAT STUPID!

7-20-09 Business? ...or give the USA the business?
Wal-Mart should be broken up and used to open locally OWNED businesses. Only in Texas they would think it was a good thing to sell out the American worker to the Communist Chinese and USE American infrastructure, so the Walton Family and a few top investors could make outrageous fortunes… WHAT THE FUCK is THAT?

© 2009 by FGE

A moment of silence for Walter Cronkite please

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

GOD's Republicans, Right-Wing extremists, Conservative wackos and WHY I'M THE BE$T MAN TO GET RID OF THEM...


Quand la morale triombe, il se passe des choses tres vilaines.”
7-11-09 Come on? GOD’S so called Chosen Right-Wing Christians… #*~/’n FIGURE IT OUT! I suggest the reader go to the blog post titled “National Day of PRAYER”.
(see links to Consciousness)


IT’S ALL COMING TOGETHER NOW! I discovered MOST of the pieces of this Conservative wacko/right-wing extremist puzzle during my research and documentation exploring Government/Corporate ACCOUNTABILITY issues… However, the thing I couldn’t figure out or UNDERSTAND is HOW Republicans, caught IN THE MIDDLE OF OVERWHELMING scandal, corruption, Constitutional violations, sexual deviancy, etc…, could muster up the audacity to dish out same old shameless hypocritical bullshit to defend themselves with. Even worse how Republican voters keep falling for the BS over & over & over…

But NOW… what was a disturbing side story of the Ensign, Sanford sex scandals buried in the back of the fish-wraps… has blown up into exposé of epic proportions and monumental implications. MY questions about humanity and how man was capable of so much corruption and indifference toward his fellow man… were answered in a red brick building located at 133 C Street SE, Washington, DC.

I’ve always said the Holy Books of the world have been interpreted to benefit Aristocrats, dictators and tyrants… BUT the news that’s coming out of C-Street takes the #*~/’n cake. It seems a secretive Fundamentalist Christian group, founded in 1935 to oppose FDR’s “NEW DEAL”, has formed a belief system that makes rich, powerful Republicans into the pentacle of western civilization. Apparently these people (The Family) at the “Fellowship Foundation” have convinced themselves that they are better than the rest of humanity because the wealth and power possessed was BESTOWED BY GOD!

NOTE: I’ve heard rumors Gov. Mark Sanford USED the Bible: “Well, King David had his lovers husband murdered and he was chosen of GOD”. Another in 1000’s examples of Republican warped reasoning, low grade thought processes and superiority complexes… lol

The right-wing thinks it can do no wrong because they BELIEVE Republican Conservatism is the ultimate expression of GOD’s plan for the planet. HOW SICK IS THAT?

I wrote about such warped thought processes BEFORE but it was from a political/philosophical standpoint. Here’s a few lines I wrote way back in the 20th Century (lol):

{One must know Neo-Cons as I do. These are some cunning, truly evil bastards. Vain, hateful, racist, corrupt but the really frightening trait of these people is GREED! A greed so unquenchable it won’t be satisfied until it inherits the earth… AND #*@/ THE REST OF US!
They feel no guilt, convinced by their silver spoon Ivy League education they are SUPREME BEINGS. These hypocritical c@^*/~!r’s use everything from the BIBLE to Darwin to justify their warped nature. Machiavelli, Burke or maybe:
Morality - it was created for the COMMON MAN. The HIGHER MAN doesn’t worry about whether something is GOOD or EVIL. He has the courage to rise above that sort of nonsense and ACT.” NIETZSCHE

…BALLS! Big #*@/’n heavos man… AND 15 BILLION TONS OF TNT!}

I joke a lot about destiny and meeting with JESUS in the Blood of Christ Mountains (Sangre de Christo) in New Mexico (lol) because of how ridicules Right-wing Christianity is. Ok, OK… I’m being mean, right? I know many of the people who congregate at such churches, most of them hard working, God fearing believers… but stupid as a bag of concrete

If I were in the Obama/Biden Administration, I’d seriously start thinking about taking away tax exempt status of these Fundamentalist Christian Organizations and churches for all the POLITICAL ORGANIZING they’ve perpetrated… DAMAGE to the USA done in the name of GOD.

Just think how different the nation might be right now if Pat Robertson DIDN’T make his statement near the end of the 2000 Presidential election about how GOD gave his endorsement to George W. Bush. I’d like to know how many churches across the United States were preaching to the congregations to get them to vote for Bush/Cheney? I DON’T THINK IT WAS THE ALMIGHTY GOD they were hearing from. Is there a BETTER argument for separation of Church and State than 8 years of Bush/Cheney and the horrible results of Reaganomics?

My own observations concerning this subject proves just how cunning Republicans have been using Christianity to further their own warped, evil agendas. These demon m#*~/s actually convinced millions of Christians that JESUS and the Pentagon are on the SAME SIDE!

NOTE: Abbie Hoffman used to talk all the time about how the Pentagon, the greatest WAR machine history could EVER produce… was built in the five-sided sign of Satan.

Jeez and crackers, the Satan worshipping Republican Party has USED Conservative Christianity like a $10.00 meth Ho. I DO believe GOD would be upset these holier-than-thou morons haven’t been using the brain cells the ALMIGHTY blessed them with.

Wanna talk about the Pro-Life issue and Republican politics. Let’s see… 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush 41, a Republican Congress during Clinton, 8 years of Bush 43... AND HOW MANY SUPREME COURT APPOINTMENTS? Yet Abortion remains legal and sane… WHY? Because Republicans couldn’t win an election WITHOUT this controversial issue to demonize Democrats/Liberals

Making Democrats/Liberals into the Black Hats and blaming them for the downfall of Western Civilization/Morality is causing a resurgence of Neo Nazism and Aryan Supremacy Groups around the world that holds to that same type of warped interpretation of scripture.

Many Democrats and Liberals believe in that old school non-violent, Gandi type of protest to bring about the CHANGES we all hope for. Even though I’ve been warning them for years that they’re all under ATTACK from right-wing extremists. Being made into targets by the HATE SPEECH being spewed by the likes of Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, O’Reilly, Beck among a lonnnnnnnnnnng list of Conservative spokespersons.

UPDATES: 7-16-09
President Obama gave me new faith/HOPE in the fight for GOOD OVER EVIL in with his momentous speech at the 100th Anniversary of the NAACP. Now THAT’S what I call PREACHING! Every right-wing pastor in America could LEARN from that speech. To REALIZE what they’ve done to their parishioners, who came to church for wisdom, love and healing and got HATE speech and Republican propaganda….

NOTE: (I suggest every American watch movie Grapes of Wrath. LISTEN to what Henry Fonda is saying, pay attention to Preacher character played by John Carradine)

Of course Republicans gave me A NEW REASON TO DESPISE them and their blatant bullshit… Former Rep. Chip Pickering (R-Miss) now lobbyist for telephone company owned by Pickering’s mistresses’ family, E. Creekmore Byrd… ANOTHER who lived and had sex on C-Street. Y'know the church...

I’m have to research this subject because I don’t know enough to understand the full implications… BUT I do KNOW Americans must purge this sort of religious superiority culture OUT of our politics, NOW! Ohhhhhhhhhh… and to BEWARE of wealthy powerful W.A.S.P’s who TALK TO GOD!
I’m going to DC to LEARN all there is to know about these m’#*~/’s. Here’s where I’m staring from. Push my way into Charismatic Pentecostal Christian Fundamentalist Cults such as Youth with a Mission, The Third Wave, New Apostolic Christianity (LINKED TO SARAH PALIN). Find out just how much INFLUENCE rich @$$holes like Loren Cunningham. And find the PEOPLE who will GET RID OF THEM!


Written on 6-9-09, the (lol) “Day of Tribulation” by Salagogo & Charlie Stunats, Conscious Man Consultants

* (because the Left-Wing can’t defend themselves…)

"Recent murders perpetrated by right-wing extremists have forced us to use drastic action to STOP THE MADNESS! If one looks at the HISTORY of assassinations and politically motivated killings it’s ALWAYS some right-wing fanatic, Conservative wacko, religious nutcase, racist degenerate or war/fear monger that MURDERS the Left-wing leaning victims. J.F.K., Martin Luther King Jr, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, John S. Saloma III, Abbie Hoffman, Dr. George Tiller among a long string of murders and mysterious deaths.

Now Americans can add to their SHAME, the gut-wrenching news about MURDER at the Holocaust Museum by an elderly man, James W. von Brunn, linked to White Supremacist Hate groups. A hateful man obsessed with stopping the Jews and President Obama…

(NOTE: ask any Black person and they’ll tell you about their inbred fear of Obama being assassinated)

In the spirit of the HERO, Holocaust Museum Security Guard Stephen Johns who gave his own life to PROTECT and SERVE! We understand our calling…
IT ALL ENDS NOW! And here’s how we’re going to DO IT!

Step 1) Identify and terminate all those who are inciting the right-wing crazies. Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, Glenn Beck, Newt Gingrich, Randall Terry, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity, Bill Cunningham, Ann Coulter, Jonah Goldberg, Pastor Hagee and OTHERS who use hate speech and cunning propaganda to INCITE the 20% of numbskulls who STILL think
A) Bush/Cheney was a good thing and NOT responsible for current economic crisis/deficit.
B) the WAR in Iraq made us safer.
C) Obama is NOT a citizen of the USA and took his oath on the Koran.
D) GOD and war profiteers are ON THE SAME SIDE, cont…”

NOTE: (COME ON! The Reader already knows how pitifully STUPID the Conservative Base is… if you DON‘T you‘re PART OF THE PROBLEM)

The good PEOPLE at the Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank are RIGHT! Enough damage has been done to our great nation to let the “Conservative Labyrinth” (“Ominous Politics…” by John S. Saloma III) remain unaccountable for their actions. President Obama REALLY needs to send Civilian Oversight Movement enthusiasts into the CIA, FBI, NSA, Pentagon, etc, to make sure SOMEONE isn’t planning another JFK in Dallas incident…

I just want President Obama to UNDERSTAND my love/hate relationship with the Democratic Party. The day Obama/Biden was ELECTED I was ecstatic, still pinching myself days later… The 8 mind numbingly MISERABLE, corrupt years of Bush/Cheney was VERY hard on PEOPLE like me. Especially after 9/11, when grassroots political activism became the unpopular kid on the block. “With us or against us”, Bush told the American PEOPLE.

(It wasn’t any coincidence I was involved with America’s longest running weekly protest movement (1998-2002) when 9/11 happened. I’ve lived on DESTINY for so long now, I just go with the flow…)

The terrorist attack had split my heart & soul. Up until then I was what some call a Liberal who hated WAR and obscene Military spending. I was in front of the TV for 3 straight days after that terrible morning of 9/11/01. I knew it was an earth shaking event that would put America at the Crossroads of good VS. evil. Depending on one’s interpretation of their Holy Book and #*~/‘n definition of good and evil…

I woke up on September 11, 2001 to vague News reports about FIRE in one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Believe it or not… I had been helping a friend with his Construction Contract at the Mosque of Riverside. He was building a Mezzanine above their Prayer Hall so women could FINALLY attend services.

The WOMEN had been confined/relegated to a dark, dank room in the back of the Complex. Even though their new Mezzanine was hidden behind smoked glass so the men of the congregation couldn’t see them, we could tell the women/girls were VERY happy to see the work in progress. Every youth should experience that feeling of PRIDE in one’s work/skills, that we all felt on that construction site…

That early morning of 9/11 putting my work boots on, I was watching the burning World Trade Center tower on TV when the 2nd airliner came onto the screen and crashed into the other tower. Diane Sawyer expressing her pure terror and disbelief of the moment, I was taken aback like I had just seen a ghost or movie monster. The realization my beloved nation was under attack put me into a fight mode…

My friend called to tell me NOT to come to work because no one could get past a police roadblock around the Mosque. So someone ASSUMED it was Middle Eastern Islamic radicals who were behind 9/11 BEFORE the news of the perpetrators was released. THREATS were flying EVERYWHERE! So there I remained glued to the TV for breaking news…

After the news of the 19 Hijackers came out and the connections to Osama bin Lunatic, I would have boiled an Islamic fundamentalist in pig’s blood or fought Al Qaeda hand to hand combat in the streets BUT GEORGE W. BUSH told me to GO SHOPPING! There was NO WINDING DOWN because of the FIGHT in me…

When we returned to the Mezzanine Job I noticed the CHANGE in the attitude of the Men of the Mosque. Before 9/11 they had a look… a manner of hate toward the White guys on the Construction crew while embracing and trying to CONVERT the Mexican-Americans. How many times the Middle Eastern Islamic immigrants walked away from me with hushed Arabic curses and angry eyes…

We had to tarp off the entire work area after one of the Muslim men went off on us for keeping our work boots on while carrying building materials through the prayer hall to the job site.

And OHHhhhhh, the day my girlfriend showed up in the middle of the Prayer Hall wearing her sexy, skimpy sun dress and high heels, looking to take me to lunch… WOW did I catch HELL for THAT!

But AFTER 9/11 everyone was “my friend”… The red flags went up in my mind. I noticed they cleaned out and disposed of all their brochures and newsletters from a rack. I went digging through their trash bin a took a sampling of their written materials and hid them in the truck like I was Secret Agent 009 and ½. (lol)

I went home and scoured through the material… I wanted to prove to the CIA that I was worthy of one of their analyst/consultant jobs/contracts that paid so well. I wanted to join the fight against World Wide Terrorism and make a few bucks along the way…

HEEYYYY! I know all those well-connected silver spoons that get those cushy Intelligence Community jobs were making better money than Construction workers.

I was working on translations and trying to read between the lines of this written foreign culture. I found an interesting article in a monthly newspaper “THE VOICE OF ISLAM” (July-August 2001) by Mufti Ebrrahim Desai: “…so take the name of Allah upon them (at time of slaughter) while they stand in rows (Al-Hajj 22:36) “… a swift stab of the neck which severs the arteries while standing…”

A vision appeared, the 19 hijackers using razor knives to take over the passenger airliners and turning them into missiles…

Hummmm… My imagination took over. The paper was published by The Association of Latin-American Muslims. Yesssss, IT all made sense NOW! The way they treated the Latinos at the Mosque… I WAS ON TO SOMETHING HERE! As time went on and the more information I gathered from Muslim informational sources and the Internet… a major conspiracy THEORY was taking form. (LOL)

Add the reports of Middle Eastern Men found with educational materials on How to Learn Spanish and eyewitness accounts of Muslim settlements in South America where Osama Bin Lunatic and Saddam Hussein banners were flew proudly by the immigrant population. This was a build-up to INVASION! (or NOT lol)

I found out the IRS under Bush/Cheney provided tax deductible status to the Latin/Muslin organization: “… we intend to propagate Islam from the Southwest USA to the Rio De la Pata in Argentina…” was in their mission statement.

I turned IN all my conclusions to the CIA and FBI along with my resume as a political activist organizer and master researcher/documenter for consulting/employment considerations. Of course the #*~/’n elitists, white bred STIFFS never replied… but not long after Jose Padilla AKA Abdullah al-Muhajir was taken into custody for an alleged dirty bomb plot.

And I’m not even going to mention my theory concerning the Bush Administration and 9/11... Yes, we poured over Eric Draper photos of the Bush Whitehouse. That look Bush had in the school room on 9/11... The Bush Family connections to bin Laden family and Prince Bandar… Cheney deciding to keep Clinton holdovers Mineta and Tenet (the 2 agencies most impacted by 9/11) so he could blame Democrats for terrorism…

Deaf activists from the CMC cyber think tank were sent out to follow and read the lips of George W., Dick and Rummy while in private conversation.

NOTE: (I always say if surveillance is good for the goose its good for the gander, lol. I heard the most interesting/damaging information the readers documented came from Old man G.H.W. Bush… I heard 41 STILL cries about a letter he received from Satan congratulating him on a job well done, guaranteeing him a place in HELL next to his father Prescott and Ronald Reagan) LOL!

Who was I kidding… The US government under Bush/Cheney and silver spoon aristocrats would NEVER hire a boat-rocker like me… THEY LIKE THE STATUS QUO! I’m sure the FBI had a thick file on my cutting edge activism, protest and community organizing activities over the past 15 years.

I know FOR A FACT, our GROWING protest movement in So Cal became the focus of Law Enforcement and Intelligence. We became the test subjects and data base for how far CONTROL by AUTHORITY could go in a Democracy. (for more info some publisher is going to have to grow a pair of ciones and #*~/‘n PAY ME… Ya penny-pinching, broken economy m#*~/‘s!) lol

I’m sure I didn’t make any friends in CA or the Democratic Party with News of my experiences at Love Canal and my writings/talk radio calls about the Belmont Learning Center in LA. Example:
All the lessons we taught at Love Canal protests got lost in the bureaucratic shuffle. Even though all the politicians had so-called environmentalists on their staff, getting paid huge salaries… NOT ONE OF THEM RECOGNIZED THE WARNING SIGNS!

One might think after the Love Canal dioxin laden, toxic dump site NIGHTMARE, someone working for the City of Los Angeles or the LA School Board would have KNOWN to test the soil for toxins BEFORE #*~/‘n BUILDING A SCHOOL. From Love Canal fast forward to the 350+ MILLION DOLLAR DISASTER know as the Belmont Learning Center.”

After the 2000 election, it was like the Democrats completely lost WISDOM, courage and ANY sense of “checks and balances”. There was NO REPRESENTATION for a Progressive Concerned Citizen such as myself… only suffering, degradation, harassment and ABUSE OF POWER!

When the #*~/’n right-wing MORONS got Bush/Cheney re-elected in 2004, THINGS GOT REALLY BAD for people like me… My associations with Government Accountability Movements and Anti-Police Brutality protests all over the nation… HOW we rocked the foundations of some of the most powerful, wealthy organizations in the USA… The last thing Bush/Cheney WANTED was someone who would question the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and their CONTROL by AUTHORITY agendas!

Any good American citizen has GOT to ask why the government wouldn’t WANT someone who has EXPERIENCED abuse of power and Constitutional violations, etc... consulting those who are legislating?

Even though I had a BETTER grasp on REALITY than 98% of the people hired by the Republican Party and Bush/Cheney… I COULDN’T EVEN GET A LETTER TO THE EDITOR PUBLISHED let alone a whole manuscript or job…

My initial feelings concerning 9/11 and Terrorism also spit the ranks of the activist anti-war crowd. Many activists like myself supported a war on terror. "This ain’t NO Vietnam" would raise the ire of many in the protest movements. (it took years to heal those hard feelings)

But it soon became obvious that what Bush/Cheney was involved in was NOT a WAR ON TERROR! I knew before it happened that Iraq would turn out to be a HUGE mistake… The media going along with visions of “Shock and Awe” dancing in their film footage dreams

Who could I turn to? The Republicans hated anything to do with POWER TO THE PEOPLE… And the HARSH treatment I received during the Clinton/Gore Administration for my PROTEST ACTIVITIES already had me #*~/ed up… ESPECIALLY in California, a State ruled by Democrats Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi. Prosecuted and wrongfully jailed for attending a protest march. I was followed, fined, penalized, surveilled, searched, seized, code enforced, towed, impounded, charged, harassed, abused, tortured, Constitutionally VIOLATED… AND THAT WAS BEFORE 9/11!

Of course the average American had NO IDEA such ABUSE of POWER was possible in the USA. It only happens when the PEOPLE TEST the system… and so FEW Americans in late 1990’s/early 2000’s had the foresight or courage to be involved with ETERNAL VIGILANCE! My rap sheet was being LEAKED by police and sheriff deputies for harassment/ surveillance/ turn my girlfriend against me purposes… lol

Of course all such information from and about Concerned Citizens like me was buried, shunned and ignored. Except for encouraging letters from Larry Flynt and Howard Zinn… my exposé became the equivalent of shouting FIRE in a crowded theater. All the aristocrats running for the exits stepping on ANYONE who gets in their way(I’ve got the wounds to prove it, lol)

Liberal Organizations such as the ACLU, Lawyers Guild, etc. would come to our protest rallies and make passionate speeches… but once the Control shit hit the Authority fan all the Liberal PUSSIES ran for cover leaving us to fend for ourselves. The government in a Democrat controlled state during the Clinton Era USED ALL IT’S POWER AND TAXPAYERS WEALTH TO GET RID OF US! (years later I can’t get one of these Democrats to explain their actions)

Reports of 16 law enforcement/intelligence agencies being on the scene of our weekly protest gatherings made everyone shaky. The term Routine Traffic Stop took on a whole new meaning. 17 times driving or as a passenger in other activist vehicles… 3 times just walking down the street from my house… They seized my drivers license, with a multitude of expensive traffic tickets, so I couldn’t drive.

During a pre-trial hearing for my protest march charge, I let it be known I was going to the 2000 Democratic Convention in Los Angeles to ORGANIZE outsiders to come support our So Cal protest movement… I also shouted that statement to CA US Attorney Alejandro Mayorkas before the protest march in question…

A few days BEFORE the DNC a special unit from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department came onto my property, guns drawn, IN FRONT OF MY KIDS, and hauled me off to jail. The officer in charge told me: “YOU must have really pissed off someone at the top because we NEVER DO THIS SORT OF THING…”

I was held for 8 days without charges… So while all the Democrats made passionate speeches about FREEDOM and JUSTICE and the PEOPLE… I was being tortured after a transfer to LA County Jail, or what the inmates call the TWIN TOWERS OF LIVING, BREATHING HELL! (I know, I KNOW… IT was just a coincidence I was released the moment the Convention ended…)

Don’t get me wrong, I liked the Clinton Administration and HATED those hypocritical Republicans that ruined his Presidency with their fake morality. Just look at the Republican Class of 1994 and their leader Newt Gingrich. Read “The Freshmen, What Happened to the Republican Revolution” by Linda Killian “nasty, naughty boy…” MY ASS!

The Clinton Years could have been some of the best in US history but the Republican Party chose to preach morality and sell out the American worker instead. If one was to ask I’d say if a politician needs a good blowjob ever now and then to keep him sharp and UP for the job THEN BY ALL MEANS GO FOR IT!

I blame the media for empowering the Republicans with their coverage. There was a time when the 4th Estate would stay clear of sex stories and stay focused on government business instead. While the public was forced to focus on Clinton’s sex life the Republicans quietly laid the groundwork for off-shore account scandal, media consolidation, job loss, union busting and the Corporate Crime Wave.

ALL the problems we face TODAY as Americans can be traced back to what the 90’s Republicans did behind closed doors and at late night legislative sessions. And to the so-called journalists who were NOT doing their jobs… Like I always say: Responsible journalism is dead as the sperm on Monica Lewiski’s blue dress.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: (But NONE of what I’ve wrote about can excuse the Democrats for all the ABUSE of POWER and Constitutional violations that HAPPENED ON THEIR WATCH! Where the fuck was a Senator Frank Church when America NEEDED him?)

So fast forward to President Obama and the joy so many Americans (and myself) felt… I just want President Obama, the Democrats and the shrinking Republican Party to KNOW what they’re dealing with… People like me are not the bleeding heart, tree hugging, Liberal coffee house crowd of the past… NO! I represent the hardened, radical SERIOUS activists, community organizers and Concerned Citizens of American who don’t TRUST the US government anymore.

We didn’t work so hard, volunteer so much free time, cell phone minutes and financial contributions just so Obama could go to Washington DC and start acting like a Beaugeois (Beaugie nigger, sorry lol). What the #*~/ is it about Washington, DC that turns good men into elitists and HO’s for Multinational Corporations?

(Amy Goodman did an ENLIGHTENING interview with author David Cay Johnston about his book “Free Lunch. …corporate socialism for the rich, market capitalism for everyone else”)

I’d like to KNOW the REAL reason for Democrats to turn their backs on the PEOPLE who got them elected? WHY Democratically elected officials cower and give in to a WEAK Republican Minority? Is it because you so-called Representatives of the PEOPLE want to do business as usual? I’LL TELL YOU m’#*~/s RIGHT NOW… IT AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN! You Left-wing m’#*~/s have the MAJORITY in Congress now that Al Franken is a Senator… SO GET TO WORK!

Organizing the 40 MILLION Americans struggling below the poverty level has NEVER been so easy… ESPECIALLY after Bush/Cheney. AND EVERY ONE OF THEM CAN BE USED TO GET WHAT WE WANT!

Speaking for myself I WANT… single payer health care, cut backs in Military spending, infiltration of the intelligence community, an END to the WAR PROFITEERING/ARMS DEALING mindset, a MASSIVE effort for alternative energy research, responsible journalism, sane drug policy and PUNISHMENT for all those that put this nation in such jeopardy both economically and politically… OR ELSE m#*~/’s!

We’ll see during the next legislative sessions where Obama/Biden, Democrats and Republicans in Congress, THE Supreme Court AND the 4th Estate STAND! There’s 40 MILLION Americans struggling below the poverty level that will be interested in the results/actions…

I WANT ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY even if someone has to chop up Rush Limbaugh and feed him to the poor and get rid of every dumb ass Republican politician in America so the Democrats have NO EXCUSE, NO MORE AND NEVER AGAIN! I HAVE NO CHOICE… I’m just trying to SAVE MY CHILDREN’S FUTURE!

“… fascism might more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power…” Benito “Dulce” Mussolini

NOTE: 7-12-09 *~^#/! Ever since this Digital Conversion I’ve been in a bad mood, I‘m getting off the TV cold turkey. The TV NEWS about our government and big business made me so angry I could SPIT! Anyways, I wasn’t feeling funny today so I got my jokes from “The Public Speakers Treasure Chest” (1964, Harper & Row) lol


I’m sorry, I quite forgot your party the other evening
OH, weren’t you there?”


WHY would ANYONE want to listen to ME? I’m a nobody, right? Just because 1) I possess the knowledge and experience of the man on the street, 2) struggled below the poverty level with 40 MILLION Americans, 3) SUCCESSFULLY dealt with homelessness, drug abuse, police abuse of power, government incompetence/corruption and 4) ROCKED THE FOUNDATIONS of Government while doing IT!

Who really has the open mind and COURAGE to HEAR a hardcore radical, serious activist organizer that spent the last 25 years in the trenches fighting in the service of the Constitution and FOR our precious environment?

WHY CHOOSE ME in the spokesperson/pundit/columnist/COVERT OP pool over the incompetent/corrupt politician, former comedian, movie star, silver spoon Momma’s boy, handsome Lesbian, daytime/reality TV star, ardent vegetarian, former sportscaster, failed engineer or even the children of former presidents/elected officials?

Just because I’m NOT an ass-kisser or IMPRESSED by the results/impact of these people, is no reason to ignore me. They just want Americans to forget all SLANTED/BLAND/WHINNY ADVICE THAT DID GET AIRPLAY OVER THE LAST 8 YEARS! I would only upset the relative position, ladder climbing, social standing, Status Quo and $-Alter all you @>*~!<’s worship at. You people don’t deserve the high wage and cushy position. You don’t get it do you? If you penny-pinching, tight ass, Ivory Tower mothafuckers don’t ante up and kick into the pot… PEOPLE like me are going to TAKE what we NEED from you…

(wait, my blood pressure is way UP! I NEED a break…)
“Prisoner - Judge, I don’t know what to do.
Judge - Why, how’s that?
Prisoner - I swore to tell the TRUTH but every time I try, some lawyer objects

I have loads of audio taped calls to Conservative Talk Radio shows that
PROVES I know HOW to make Republicans/Conservatives BACK OFF!
My brutally honest attitude, street fight toughness and ANGRY look that can stop grown men in their tracks MAKE me the perfect solution to counter the FOX NEWS, Radio Free Conservative Rush Limbaugh types and CAPTURE THEIR AUDIENCE OF DISGRUNTLED CONSERVATIVES and dumbass right-wing extremist numbskulls who think tough talk is TRUTH!

Video of me at government meetings destroying local political careers in a 2 minute time limitation. (serious activist organizers learn to SPEAK and make a point in 30 seconds with a maximum of 2 minutes. We practice at public comment sessions during city or county government meetings and calling talk radio shows. HEY like good old Tip O‘Neil used to say “All politics is LOCAL politics“)

WHY EMBRACE THE PEOPLE WHO CAN BRING THE FIGHT to those standing in the way of true CHANGE? I mean THAT’S what we all want, right? A CHANGE from all the LOW GRADE THOUGHT PROCESSES that have plagued this nation since Ronald Wilson Reagan was elected? You talk radio motha#*~/s are in the right business cause YOU’RE ALL TALK… and hardly ANY ACTION! Not anything of consequence that is, NOT WHAT’S NEEDED to make a breakthrough… (people on top don’t really want CHANGE because they’re on top)

My theory about Freedom and Constitutional Rights becoming delicate concepts and questions about how our capitalist system can survive WITHOUT ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY… ALL I’VE BEEN PREACHING SINCE 1996 GIVE ME NO CREDITABILITY, right? (that’s because you cowards have no sense on how to judge your fellow man)

On the economy I was warning Americans WAY BACK in 1998 to beware of the RECKLESS economics and all the slanted legislation Republicans were hiding in Clinton Era bills. I warned the American PEOPLE back then and the example I used is as relevant TODAY as it was in 1999. I did a reprint few years ago on my blog “THE BEST DAMN POLITICAL STRATEGIST” (spoact/blogspot.com) Because all my internet/web site work of 1999-2004 seems to have mysteriously disappeared from the www.

NOTE: (in a way it’s a good thing because now I can come up with a WIKIPEDIA type definition of the times, the wonderful Concerned Citizens and the historical ACCOUNTABILITY Movement that TRIED to WARN you stupid m’#*~/’s)


“Voter 1 - What do you think of our two candidates for Congress?
Voter 2 - Well, I’m GLAD only one can be elected…”

Here’s a sample of the message we tried to get out to the dumbed-down majority:
I always use the example from newspapers on the date 4/16/99. Government, media and big business at it’s worst. Look at the headline: “Congress wraps up work on $1.74 trillion budget”. They should put more emphasis on that word trillion, maybe Trillion, no, no TRILLION! Oh look, the public servants are eager show they’re efficiently working for the best interests of the PEOPLE… So they can WASTE our hard earned tax dollars later.
What did YOU get for your money that year? Sex, Lewinski, sex, morality? Sexual deviates like Ken Starr, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay, Ted Haggard masturbating to Monica’s testimony. My GOD, we might as well have elected circus animals to lead the nation. At least that way the American PEOPLE can go to the ZOO and watch them fornicate, cohabit, copulate, debauch, couple, fraternize, brawl and lick each other.
What was Corporate/Financial America busy with at that time? Back to the newspaper, 4/16/99 article titled: “Mattel to layoff 3,000 workers. WALL STREET CHEERED the news of restructuring, sending Mattel’s stock up nearly 16 percent…” WHAT?

NOTE: We all know how IT turned out now that our children have all the latest LEAD based toys from China. Also poisoned dog food, toothpaste, baby formula, inferior steel, etc. Republican Party legislation during the 90’s made it EASY for corporations to leave the USA for the greener fields of Asian slave labor AND unregulated toxic waste dumping)

Questions one must ask: A) How did Wall Street become the enemy of the American working class? B) What did Reagan/Bush, special interests and the 90’s Congress legislate to make it easy for Corporations to move jobs, wealth and resources out of the country? C) Would the police of the time blame 3000 Mattel workers for being VERY angry and RIOT? Because that news article was about as “in your face” as it gets…

The reason why I bring police into the picture is because law enforcement UNIONS and associations have become some of the most powerful, wealthy entities on the American political scene. I can’t help but remember how many times in US history POLICE harassed, abused, beat, gassed and shot those who supported UNION organizing efforts. So is it really FAIR Public Service UNIONS have the sort of job/pension/healthcare security those of us in the private sector can only dream about. …civil servants my skinny Italian-American @$$… just who is serving WHO?

Liza, the Negro cook, answered the telephone one morning and a cheerful voice inquired, “What number is this?” Liza was in no mood for trifling and said with some asperity. “You-all ought to know. YOU done CALLED IT

NOTE: a LONG string of scandalous incompetence/corruption that resulted in our present day economic problems. This whole thing has been mischaracterized as a mortgage crisis, I say NO! This is the Congress allowed the Bush Administration to borrow/waste TOO MUCH MONEY CRISIS!

After the horrible tragedy of Bush/Cheney victory in late 2000. I almost single-handedly identified and took on the mechanisms that got this scandalous duo elected. (Howard Zinn will back me up on this, too.) I included my theory on RADIO FREE CONSERVATIVE in my thesis:

{From 1999-2004 I conducted a HUGE letter/e-mail writing campaign. Directed at media/communication outlets, magazines, newspapers, top officials and all my so-called representatives from the Democratic Party. I put forth the question: HOW DID CONSERVATIVES MAKE SUCH GAINS as to put a military service dodging, sadistic, ignorant failure like GEORGE W. BUSH into the White House?

NOTE: (this pitiful m’tha#*@/’r would be the Crawford, TX town drunk if not for mummy and daddy’s wealth and circle of well-connected cronies keeping the Bush legacy intact)

Here’s the answer. The political and social turbulence of the 60’s and early 70’s, eventually led to the downfall of Nixon and that stiff, wealthy, constipated group of right-wing conservative hawks (what we now call the “Neo-Cons”) Well the story didn’t end there.

Anyway, the Neo-Cons got together and ORGANIZED with one goal in mind. To NEVER LET THIS 60’S POWER TO THE PEOPLE THING HAPPEN EVER AGAIN! What happened next is best documented in the extraordinary 1984 book “Ominous Politics, The New Conservative Labyrinth” by John S. Saloma III, Hill and Wang. (More about THIS and Saloma later. I’m a member of the super secret “JOHN S. SALOMA III SOCIETY” and most of OUR heroes have been eliminated)

As much as I despise these Conservative stiffs, anyone involved with ORGANIZING the PEOPLE has got to admire the long range strategic planning of think tanks on the RIGHT (1976-2001). AND one of the most successful aspects of this organization is what I call RADIO FREE CONSERVATIVE.

While Liberals were STUCK living off 60’s victories and grooving to FM radio’s pop music culture… Conservatives quietly bought up the AM radio airwaves at bargain basement prices. It was #*@/’n genius.

Enter former Kansas City sportscaster, steroid/painkiller dealer Rush Limbaugh and the golden microphone of the EIB radio network. THIS fat, loudmouth Cigar$ucker is the “Tokyo Rose” of our time.

Remember the COLD WAR? The United States broadcast programming through Radio Free Europe and Voice of America… OR what the Intelligence Community calls PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE!
“…The goal of psychological warfare is to change the behavior of countries and their populations. Normally, the intent is to WEAKEN the loyalty and confidence that PEOPLE have in their leaders’ polices . An attempt to INFLUENCE the attitudes of the PEOPLE living there…”
(“International Relations through Science Fiction”, edited by Martin Greenburg and Joseph D. Olander)

NOW, can ANYONE who’s ever tried to hold a legitimate debate with ONE OF Rush Limbaugh’s “DITTO-HEADs, tell me Radio Free Conservative wasn’t history’s most successful brainwashing of a target population? COME ON! Limbaugh and a gaggle of Conservative talk clones were taught all the textbook forms of “bias persuasion” that divided the nation and made Republican voters into FOOLS and Liberals into TARGETS!

In the book “Violence in America” edited by Thomas Rose (Vintage books) Newton Garver writes:
Another insidious form of psychological violence is what might be called the “Freudian rebuff”. This type has the effect of what John Henry Newman called “POISONING THE WELLS”. If he tries to advance facts and statistics, they are discounted and his involvement is attributed to Freudian factors. If he attempts to prove himself free of the aberration in question, his very protest is used as evidence against him. To structure a situation against a person in such a manner does violence to him by depraving him of his dignity…”

So while people like myself were given uncomplimentary labels such as “liberal wacko” or “red diaper doper baby”, Conservative think tanks actually convinced half America’s voting population that GEORGE W. BUSH and JESUS were on the same side… WHAT? }

What would I get, inquired the man who just insured his property against fire, if this building should burn down tonight?
I would say, replied the insurance agent, about 10 years

I, with the help of few Concerned Citizens, have a record of being right and predicting failure that’s so far beyond anything the so-called EXPERTS base their careers on. WHAT? Do I have to BREAK IN and TAKE my props using brute force. My non-violent routine is UNSUCCESSFUL and getting old…

No one of any notoriety would give me credit for my FIGHT! All the hard work, creativity, imagination, strategy… It’s my own FAULT, I sought out my behind the scenes role and trusted those I worked with or contacted to give credit where credit is due. But that’s NOT the kind of world we live in…

I’ve been ignored, shunned and prosecuted for my writing and work as a Boat-Rocker. NO ONE in America wants to publish or HELP me with my career choice. Believe me I’ve wrote to every government, media, organizational outlet on the American scene with hardly a legitimate, meaningful reply.

NOTE: Thank you to Howard Zinn who called my writing “Vivid and compelling” saying I could use THAT if I ever get published. Also Larry Flynt for sending me that encouraging letter, (lol) NOW THAT‘S THE CLASS I‘M LOOKING FOR

The Democrats and Obama people send me form letters begging for monetary contributions. The media elites refuse to even acknowledge that I exist. Pundits will use my ideas without giving me credit and one editor told me my work is “too controversial…” and can I write it as a fiction story?

The Staff at the Oprah Empire have blocked my emails because I’m upsetting Queen O with the REALITY she IGNORED me/mine while giving all those FAKES/FRAUDS the precious national spotlight.

Even the people of alternative media and Progressive outlets like Amy Goodman/Maria Santelli Indy Media types, the Peace and Justice Crowd, MOVEON.org, ACLU, Lawyers Guild, Air America, Z-Magazine, Progressive Magazine and almost every pundit and talk radio host…

ALL have turned a blind eye toward my work because I question their COURAGE and WILL to achieve the kind of CHANGE we’ve been HOPING for in the last 45 years… KEEP HOPING m’#*~/’s. They think I’m “TOO ANGRY” AND A THREAT to their world of bullshit Eastern based Religion, Karma, sensitivity/Response training among OTHER Liberal hand holding, protest techniques . I bet I’ve reached MORE Americans with my organizing, blogs, message posts, emails and talk radio calls then ALL the Liberals with their protest marches and yoga lessons of the last 8 years

According to everyone who didn’t think I was worth the 2 minutes to reply I pose this question: Why listen to the guy who knows the best way to fight against the Neo-Con hordes? Just because they’re THREATENING your lifestyle choices on a daily basis it’s no reason to be PREPARED or get tough, right?

I think President Obama needs to worry about the divisions here in the USA, maybe MORE than those that exist around the world. The stage has been set for a major show down between Conservatives and the rest of Americans. The 20% of Conservatives that STILL listen to Cheney, Gingrich, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Coulter, Beck, Goldberg and the rest have been mobilized to strike out against ALL those that threaten their warped, vile agendas.

These right-wing fanatics and Conservative wackos are WELL-ARMED and misled to believe they are GOD’s chosen people who must stop the Democrat/Liberal infidels. I DARE all you Left-wing spokespersons to attend one of the Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christian Right churches this weekend OR a Republican Party Coalition meeting and hear for yourselves the HATE speech that’s going to be preached NOW and for the remainder of the Obama/Biden Administration.

I guarantee acts of violence will increase against those that exist on the Left side of the political spectrum and innocent bystanders. NOT only THAT but Right-wing fanatics in the Military, FBI, CIA, NSA, local law enforcement will set up ops to make Obama and the Democrats LOOK BAD, weak and incompetent.

(EXAMPLE: Sheriff Darrin White in New Mexico. Refuses to take responsibility for helping to turn NM into a Bush/Cheney Red State in 2004. This LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER would bust and ruin a persons life for a misdemeanor infraction but didn’t bat an eye at all the waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, corruption, sexual deviancy, arms dealing, war profiteering and Constitutional VIOLATIONS of the last 8 years. Now he’s on the radio every weekend pushing Republican Conservatism like an 8 ball of meth… tearing down everything Obama/Biden is doing)

Doesn’t ANYONE find the timing suspicious, that a Muslim (Carlos Bledsoe) shot the Military recruiters (Little Rock, ARK) just BEFORE President Obama goes to the Middle East? A Muslim under FBI interest/surveillance? I know, I KNOW… it’s just ANOTHER coincidence, RIGHT?

This has been going on WAY BEFORE the CIA first taught Arabs how to build car bombs and improvised explosive devices during the Soviet/Afghani conflict. Before that it was those racist #*~/’n Brit’s going through the Middle East playing Lawrence of Arabia, getting the savages all worked up and teaching them to use guns and bombs. The ARABS were nothing but nomadic tribes before #*~/’n White Protestants made them into soldiers… THAT WORKED OUT WELL, right?

If ANYONE can explain how CIA, MI-6 meddling in the Middle East has been for the best interests of the PEOPLE, the PLEASE write me and give me a clue cause I’M NOT GETTING IT! I’m not sure what the original mandate was for the CIA but if it had anything to do with keeping the arms dealers and war profiteers perpetually wealthy and powerful… THEN THEY’VE DONE A GOOD JOB!

If Obama/Biden were really committed to CHANGE, they’d put an unafraid, tough, boat-rocker like ME into the CIA for ACCOUNTABILITY purposes… Make sure the covert sons a bitches are WORKING IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

WARNING! Gay Americans, Pro-choice Americans, Liberal political activists and environmentalists should use extra caution in the coming years because the Conservatives are poor sports and will impose their dumbass, hateful, loser mentality on the rest of us BY ANY MEAN POSSIBLE!

FOX News and the MANY hosts on Radio Free Conservative should be investigated for HATE speech and instigating the right-wing fanatics for future prosecution. Any American with a camera, cell phone, computer or position should collect any evidence they OBSERVE to be put in a National Data Bank so the violators can be punished…

Just look at the Way the radical Pro-Life organization Operation Rescue and it’s cult leader Randall Terry has been ALLOWED to incite violence against ANYONE getting in it’s way? Why is it one kind of Terrorist act is better than another?

I’m about to go anarchist. I love my country… it’s the government, corporations, media and half the PEOPLE I can’t stand… I had it, my patients is gone. I DIDN’T VOLUNTEER SO MUCH OF MY FREE TIME TO GET Obama/Biden and Democrats elected so they could decide NOT TO prosecute Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and dedicate statues of #*~/’n that anti-christ, trickle down m’#*~/r Ronald 6 Wilson 6 Reagan FUCK YOU TOO ASSHOLES! It’s revolution time! NOW or NEVER YOU #*~/’N COWARDS!

I suspending my writing campaign until a publisher or agent has the heavos to step up and HELP ME OUT OF THIS DEEP, DARK HOLE the Status Quo has dug for me. I’m presently going around the nation forming a Civilian Oversight Movement of Concerned Citizens. AND IF THAT doesn’t work then I’ll organize a cult like the anti-abortion Operation Rescue. I’ll call it OPERATION RESCUE AMERICA (from the right-wing numbskulls conservative fanatics who want to destroy/kill the rest of US) AND USE THE SAME TECHNIQUES AND INCITEMENT the FBI has ignored from the radical pro-life nutcases for years…

I guess a handful of Concerned Citizens and MYSELF will do you fighting for Democrats/Liberals pussies everywhere. For all those who embrace our belief system but STILL don’t POSSESS the WILL to do what needs to be done to get our agendas PASSED! Thanks for nothing ya stiffs… I got MORE support from disgruntled Republicans than those on my side of the political spectrum… COWARDS!

In case someone hasn’t noticed our elected officials have been acting like a bunch of HO’s, representing the SPECIAL INTERESTS rather than sticking to their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution and WORK FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

© 2009 by FGE, Salagogo, Charlie Stunats